Fall Sign-Up 2014

Fall is here, and we’re eager to get some extended time on the courts.  Click here to get a copy of our Fall registration form to attend our Jetton camps and clinics.  If you have any questions, please contact one of the coaches.

Summer tennis schedule

Jetton Park JuniorsSummer training is just around the corner, so it’s not too late to start thinking about how, when, and where to train. LNTA will be offering regular training for all levels of Quick Start and Academy athletes in the crucial summer months.  For more information, visit Summer 2012 in Classes/Academy.

Mini-session for advanced players

NC Southern CarWe will be doing a 2 week mini-session for our advanced group (anyone playing L4 tournaments or up) from June 4-June 14th.  Clinic times will be from 4-6 pm, Monday through Thursday at Jetton Park.   We are encouraging players to then sign up for the L4 tournament in Salisbury that weekend (June 15-17).  Click here to visit the tournament site.  We look forward to watching as many matches as possible and having warm up sessions for the players.  Cost for this mini-session is $150.  For further information, please email juliemudge@hotmail.com.